RTFM Learn2 - taxonomy, collections

I come to realise, that quite a lot of the grav features do not apply to the RTFM Learn2 framework.

I found this:

It says there here, It’d be difficult to realise, for this feature apparently is designed for blog environments.
However, with some tweaking it could be done. Has it been done?
I can’t find anything else on it.

RTFM and Learn2 is a very specific use of Grav. Ie, using Grav to render documentation. As such it’s tailored towards that and doesn’t support many other things like Blog, etc. That’s because it’s not the purpose of this theme. That said, it’s just a theme on top of Grav. You could easily create a blog template for learn2 theme, you could copy the main bits from antimatter theme, but it would have to be tweaked to fit in the learn2 theme.

I’m sure others have done this, but I don’t know of any ‘public’ examples.