Adding searchable tags on rtfm learn2 template

I need a hint on this subject. I tried to adopt the taxonomy from the blogs template. But i failed on that. What do i have to do to enable taxonomy and relatedpages-features for the rtfm sceleton?

thx in advance

I know someone already did this because I saw screenshots in our chat about it. Really it should be a matter of including the plugins, and then including the twig templates in the learn2 theme, probably in the sidebar.

What did you try? And what were the results?

First of all i included the taxonomy.html.twig on my sidebar. The result is a list of all set tags from the pages in the sidebar. So nice so far.

When clicking on the tags, an url pointing to the root without further directory is given and no results were shown. My installation runs on localhost/grav-tst/. The tag-generated link says localhost/tag:features.

Then i tried to include the tags with the following expression changing the blog_url to base_url_absolute.

{% if page.taxonomy.tag %}
<span class="tags">
{% for tag in page.taxonomy.tag %}
<a href="{{ base_url_absolute }}/tag{{ config.system.param_sep }},{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

That leads to the home-url but still no results.

Today I tried to include the pages from the antimatter-blog into the hierarchy of my site. No changes on the tags-issue but the relatedpages-plugin brought some results. It seems that the search for related tags only works on the blog-category. It appears that the logic loops through the blog-folder. So related content from blog were shown but not from the other pages.

These were the results.
Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-16 um 18
And this is the structure of the pages-folder where is the blog-content rendered as 6. Home in the navigation.
Bildschirmfoto 2015-10-16 um 18

Changing the root of the taxonomylist.yaml from blog to the home didn´t change a thing. I tried to change values of category in the pages as well as in the yaml-files. Still no results.

Maybe you have another idea, where to look and edit settings.

Thx Björn

Here’s the deal, the way the taxonomy filtering works, is that when your page requests the collection of pages, Grav looks to see if there are any taxonomy filters, in the URL and if so filters the resulting collection.

This works great on a blog listing page because there is a collection already setup in the page header.

For this to work you will need a similar type page in your documentation site. A page that is there for teh express purpose of displaying a collection of pages that the taxonomylist plugin will be pointing to.

Does this make sense?

That makes sense indeed. I will try to focus on that next week. Thanks for the hint and the turbo-support.