I would like to be able to unzip the core package in a live web environment and access /admin with a default user/password and see what it is all about. I do not understand about command line, SSH, CLI, Putty, do I really need to know/learn this to consider nominating GRAV for a CMS award?
Is there a basic install package available with admin ready to go?
We have not yet created a bundle with the admin already included. We do plan on doing this however so you can get a ready to install grav package with admin and probably a temporary user.
Just FYI, the admin is in Beta so that is why it’s not part of the package yet. Also, as Grav is a flat file CMS the admin is totally optional, and is really not required to take full advantage of the CMS and all its features.
Spent all afternoon trying to set up a local wamp + understand what cli and cmd msysgit windows is all about, to no avail. I have 100+ clients, 20 of which are Joomla, so not a newbie! Just can’t understand it. It’s almost as though there’s a chapter missing out of your ‘learn’ area.
As above, admin included even as a beta test would be so handy so I can start to create. Can you send me a link?
The admin client is pretty much intended as a client deliverable. i.e. it makes it easier for non-technical users to be able to maintain their site after delivery.
As an experienced developer, you should be able to develop the site without the admin, in fact you’ll probably find it really just gets in the way of developing the site. You may find it useful for populating some content, but that’s really about it. You will have to be knee deep in Twig for HTML layouts, and CSS etc. So you really need to understand how to work at the file level. The learn docs assume that is the case and provide lots of information regarding this.
We are now working on documentation for the admin plugin, but as I said, this is not something that you should rely on during development.