I’m sure that for a few hardcore linux enthusiasts, this ‘CMS’ is lovely, but I would not even call it that. Out of the box it has absolutely no built-in functionality with which to actually manage any content.
I installed from a ‘skeleton’
“Simply download the ZIP file, extract it in your web-root, and you are ready to start using Grav!”
Simply? No, I don’t think so. The unzipped ‘skeleton’ seems to display itself properly from a user facing perspective but it has absolutely no content management functionality to speak of it. The same effect could have been gained by simply dumping an html template into the root directory. Right now what I have is a basic site with unnecessary background processes. Attempting to access an admin panel of some kind results in a page error. The skeleton is unclear as to what it actually includes. and no visible install process as described in your tutorials actually occurs.
So I go to the plugins to see if I can find one that will give me the base admin panel, user control, etc. You know. features that would allow someone to refer to their CMS as a CMS. And everything seems to require what looks to me like shell commands.
Maybe this is an okay CMS but claiming it’s easy or straight forward is not at all true. It is legitimately easier and more straight forward to manually install Wordpress than it is to install Grav.
Why would the admin plugin not be included in every single instance in existence? What are you supposed to manage your content with?
I saw a lot of potential and value when I was reading about how great this supposedly is. Then when I tried to ‘install’ it let alone use it, all I can do maintain my sanity is throw my hands in the air is walk away. I want to manage my content as easily as Grav supposedly makes it Not join the development team and code a linux kernel so I can change a line of text
Just unzip? No, I don’t think so.