Using simple_contact plugin in existing page

Hi all, my first attempt with GRAV. I cannot find an example of how to add this contact example into an existing page. I have read the tutorial but not finding anything to show this.

I have a default site and have added a couple of pages, just can’t find how to add the contact part to page.

Any help much appreciated.

I have found adding simple_contact to the header like so;

title: Contact
simple_contact: true

Displays the contact form. But when I add breadcrumbs: true it does not work!!!

Am I adding these in the right place???

Hopefully someone more experienced with SimpleContact can help you because it’s not a plugin I wrote :slight_smile:

And the author (me) are away for some months and not reading the forum… Sorry for that, next week I come back to my home and I can continue the develop to Grav plugins and themes. Btw I post few seconds ago one update so remember to update the plugin :slight_smile: