Unable to update admin plugin

I am trying to update the admin plugin, but getting this error. Not sure how to solve this.


my folder permissions:

drwxrwxr-x 22 ser www-data 4096 Feb 8 16:31 .
drwxrwxr-x 10 ser www-data 4096 Jan 13 15:31 ..
drwxr-xr-x 12 ser www-data 4096 Jan 18 19:14 admin
drwxrwxr-x 5 ser www-data 4096 Jan 13 15:30 archives
drwxrwxr-x 4 ser www-data 4096 Jan 13 15:30 comments
drwxrwxr-x 2 ser www-data 4096 Jan 13 15:30 count-views
drwxrwxr-x 6 ser www-data 4096 Jan 13 15:30 email

From what you posted, this looks odd, but you haven’t really posted much! It looks like you know how to use a command line, have you tried the bin/gpm update admin command? It will probably give the same result, but might be useful.

Please read and follow the new forum guidelines before replying. The regulars here are quite tired of slow guessing games teasing relevant details out of forum posters.

(Also, for search indexers and vision impaired readers, the screenshot provided in this post shows two message flashes on the poster’s screen:

[red background, error icon] rmdir(/var/www/vj/user/plugins/admin): Directory not empty
[purple background, check icon] Dependencies installed successfully

The screen shot is what popped up for a brief moment when I tried to update the plugin via the dashboard. This was from the log when I tried several times to update the plugin.

March 21st at 7:27am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:27am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:27am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:24am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:24am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:24am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:23am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:22am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`
March 21st at 7:21am	WARNING	Plugin 'admin' enabled but not found! Try clearing cache with `bin/grav clearcache`

I have tried the cli method and it works. Was able to update the admin plugin with no issue. Just the dashboard method was throwing an error. I was able to update the the core via the dashboard with no issue though.