Shoppingcart Personalizer Add-on

I’ve released right now version 0.9.5 of the add-on for the Shoppingcart plugin. What does the plugin offer?

First of all, it power-overloads the Shoppingcart plugin with a lot of features like variations, customer driven product customizations, country restrictions, stock management and a lot more.

Secondly, it fixes some problems and shortcomings of the Shoppingcart plugin itself, that while unmaintained still offers a good starting point for integrations. I contacted the author with the idea to merge the two plugins into one powerful starter kit for e-commerce for GRAV.

I would appreciate testing, feedback and proposals.

Shoppingcart Personalizer

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I’ve released version 1.0.0 of the plugin. One of the most important features, automatic stock synchronizations are now available together with other essential features. I’ve tried to make this all compatible with existing implementations of the Shoppingcart plugin. Not sure, if there are many out there… probably not… Feedback welcome :slight_smile:

Any chance that the plugin will also support adding multiple images of the same product, same SKU to the ‘page media’ block with the display using left/right arrows to cycle through the various views of the same product?

When looking at the doc, it appears it will not but asking just to be sure. i.e. looking for this function and it appears that both the Grav cart and Snip cart do not yet support this multiple image function.

Thank you,


You can upload multiple images already and display several. This is in fact more a templating problem. You also have fancybox available to show images in an overlay with left and right buttons.

I also exposed a product id (sku) and once again, via templating you can bind this sku to the media. Specific templating needs can be solved using the mechanisms GRAV offers for this. You can copy one or all of the templates and adapt them to your needs.

Naturally, if this is something many users would benefit from, I will try to make it standard.

What I can improve nevertheless that you can decide which images make up the product gallery to differentiate from the media used for variations and product configurations. By the way, variation images, if defined, are displayed together with the main product image once the customer selects a variation or product configuration option. Adding a dedicated gallery media set for the product itself is obviously an enhancement. I will add this in the near future.


Could not locate ‘fancybox’ in the GRAV plug in listing. However, did notice ‘featherlight’.

Will work with your suggestions to see what is possible.

If there is a demand, the addition of a plugin to provide multiple image of the same product would be a welcome addition to those that like to leave the coding to others.

Will look forward to any future development for a possible enhancement.

Thank you for your kind and quick response.


Hi Jim.
Fancybox is loaded if desired through the plugin. I will check the featherlight plugin and eventually change the code to support featherlight.


Fancybox is working well on a localhost shopping cart test site, however only within the text description field of the shopping cart. Displaying a single thumbnail, in the text field (i.e. images are added in the content area of the page in admin) and when selected advances through all the images in that gallery. So far so good!!!

The next issue is how to transfer this same action to the product thumbnail that is displayed with red circle product price. Again one displayed image and when selected opens up fancybox to display the gallery for that product.

See attached image

Thank you,


Next release will include possibility to explicitly define the images that make up the product gallery.

It’s SO unfortunate that this plugin is no more in the develop.

Any chance to find a simple howto anywhere?

I added a page with template “products” and as the children of “products” a page with template “product”. The products page is empty, although /products/product does work.