I am interested in in the Shop Site. Does anyone have a sample site I can take a look at? Is the payment system customize able. I am looking to add a different payment system.
The shop skeleton you linked is using Snipcart, where Grav works as a CMS and all the store functionality is provided externally by snipcart (paid service), they do have many payments gateways.
It seems snipcart charges a monthly fee $10/month regardless if you make a sale or not.
There is a PayPal plugin for Grav as well. Is this plugin already integrated with gravCart or there are some coding involved to get the plugin to work as far as adding the items to the cart & Checking out to PayPal’s gateway?
The plugin itself is an addon to the gravCart, so they are fully integrated. According to his documentation, is a matter of installing the plugin and configure in the admin.
He has an skelleton to: https://github.com/flaviocopes/grav-skeleton-gravcart
So, maybe any told me, how can i change a default currency in gravcart? In snipcart account i was changed it to my currency and when i put an items in basket - it is in right currency. But on my site in front of any price i have a dollar sign. I checked css and php within plugin but not found anythig…
Maybe somebody can help me?
@evoname The 2 files you are looking for is in the partial folder in the snipcart plugin.
I was wondering how do you go about disabling the pop-up showing the contents of the cart whenever an item is added to the cart? The Snipcart site has
which disables the cart contents showing up but I have got no idea how I would edit the twigs to prevent that from happening and which one I should edit to achieve that.