Problem with Admin Panel 1.10.0-beta.6

Just wanted to alert Grav users and the “powers that be” of a potential problem with beta 6 for the Admin Panel plugin.
I just updated from 1.10.0 beta 5 to beta 6 and the the primary Dashboard page was hosed, displaying only the following error message:

Server Error

Sorry, something went terribly wrong!

0 - An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (“Identifier “flex_objects” is not defined.”).

I was able to restore by taking a local copy of my /user/plugins/admin folder and uploading it to replace what’s on the server, and then the main Admin Panel page was fine again.
I am able to replicate the problem multiple times by reinstalling the update to beta 6 from the plugins page. Each time, the main Admin Panel page errors out, although if I’m logged out, the actual Login page comes up fine, and when I log in, then it errors out.
Each time I’m able to restore, by uploading my (beta 5) local copy of my /user/plugins/admin folder to replace what’s on my server.

Thanks for sharing this @SteveBaumann, there is now a GitHub issue about this being looked at

Fantastic. Thanks. I guess I wasn’t the only one…
Everything else very nice so far. Can’t wait for Grav 1.7 stable!

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