How to get lightslider to work

Could someone help me with lightslider plugin
i tried making a simple text slide by putting in a page directory.
the contents look like this
first slide

second slide


but it just show as one without a slide

could someone help me

Hi @yehuda , Welcome to Grav :slight_smile:

I have had a bit of a play and finally got it working , the plugin instructions were a little vague , but to get it working as it was intended in a module page is as follows

install grav , ensure the error, problems and lightslider plugin are installed and enabled.

Download the github resource which will give you a new folder 03.LightSlider and copy it your pages directory.

Expand the archive and copy the 03.Lightslider to your pages directory

It shows the layout format to get it working as a module.

Basically a modular page is created and then under that is modular
pages / items including the slider is made as a module underneath.

I have added a bit of text above and below it as the modular directory and used page number rather than _prefixes, so you can change the order through the admin panel.

If you made the modular subpage as non-number prefix you will have to alter the 03.LightSlider page and add your custom order in the frontmatter like

        by: default
        dir: asc
            - _above
            - _slider
            - _below

and finally the extra line in the 03.LightSlider
will make sure it show the main site navigation

onpage_menu: false

The demo has been tested with Quark theme, and the above onpage_menu is currently only applicable to that theme (eeK) Ask away if you have any more questions

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@yehuda, Judging from the way the resulting page looks, it seems you want a regular page containing a slider.

There are two ways to get it done. I’ll describe the easy one here:

  • The folder structure should look as follows:

    ├── 01.home
    │   └──
    └── slider-content
  • Page ‘’ contains the following:

    title: Slider
      twig: true
    {% include 'modular/lightslider.html.twig' with 
      {'page': page.find('/slider-content')} %}

    You are free to add any text above and below the {% ... %} snippet.

  • And page ‘/slider-content/’ contains the following:

    title: Slider Content
    routable: false
    visible: false
      slider_type: text
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The other option is to include the Twig snippet {% ... %} inside a template. And assign the name of the template to the filename of the page. But for this, you will need to override the theme.

Hope this helps…