Hi. Can someone please ELI5? (No, seriously! I want to be able to use Grav because of how light it is, but I’m losing my mind coming from Joomla because I’m not a strong coder)
I have a working songs.html live-search page using flexsearch.min.js and “songs.js” as my source. As I type in the search box, it pulls info from the songs.js file as anticipated and displays them neatly on my page. No issues there.
I can also use an iframe to inelegantly stick my html page into my default.md, however I end up with the gross looking double page up/down slider on my browser if there are lots of results (which quite frequently there is as I end up with 30+ results just while searching for “Elvis”.)
I’ve tried putting pieces of my working songs.html directly into my 01.home/_songs/default.md file using divs, but while the searchbox is being seen, the javascript isn’t working so I’m not getting any results (my searchbox css looks like garbage, but that’s not my main concern right now)
The flexsearch.min.js is being called remotely from a CDN url and the songs.js (my database file) is located directly in the _songs folder (src="./songs.js"). Again, this works fine when using the songs.html page. I also tried downloading the flexsearch.min.js and calling it from the same directory as songs.js; also not working.
I’m begging for help trying to make this work without resorting to the ugly iframe?
I don’t know if I can do what I want from just inside my default.md file or if I need to mess around with twig files or …???
If it’ll help, I can attach my code or provide a downloadable link to what I have…
As I’ve mentioned in another post, I’m willing to pay someone with real money for their time at this point because 90+% of my site is already working how I want it to.
I’m really trying to learn!!!
ANY help is really appreciated!!!