Clarification about Official GPM Only

Hy all, I need only a clarification about the Official GPM Only option.
I have my personal git repos hosted on my own server, GPM have the ability to check and do the update directly from this repos? or it’s not possible?

Hi, no this is currently not an option. Grav will only manage public packages available through the GPM.

For personal use I generally setup a post-commit hook on my repos, and the server pulls the latest working copy from Git directly.

We’re currently working on a major new GPM / Resource management which will allow the ability to use public or private repos, however these still need to be on GitHub because of the API we use to access things. At some point we would like to support other services, but we need more than Git itself, we need a service that offers an API to get to things like releases, list of owned repos, etc.

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WOW guys,
@flavio sure, i do the same on my server but I was courios about that option
@rhuk this is awesome!! I’m happy to read your post!! honestly I’m waiting for this major update of GPM :wink:

Well, thank you for your response and for your work on GRAV , GRAV is awesome!