I’m not really that picky when it comes to my personal web sites/blogs. I’ve used SO. MANY. CMS’ and SSG’s that I lost track a long time ago. Most recently I was toying with moving things back to WordPress (as part of a reorganizational site cleanup) but then Matt Mullenweg lost his shit which sent me down a rabbit hole. A few new apps out there, some old familiar ones which are super-expensive or have pivoted to Enterprise. I tried some new ones but none of them clicked with me.
So, back to Grav it is! Took me most of today to get back up to speed and copy/paste one of my sites over. Unfortunately that one had some code mangled by FeatherWiki so I had to manually insert photos and add links. Ugh.
Any way, glad to be back. Now to figure out the easiest way to push this to my new DO box (once I sign up again).