R.I.P. Grav CMS (it's Alive!)

Recently, I’ve more and more come to the conclusion that Grav is dead - substantial development from the Project Lead has not been seen for months now, so the obvious fact that development has stalled can IMHO no longer be disregarded.
I cannot speculate about the reasons here - anyone who knows something more is invited to share that knowledge.
In addition, at the same time, more and more plugins and themes are being abandoned (see @bleutzinn 's last post), and formerly active experts here in the forum, e.g. @pamtbaau, have vanished.
In any case, this will have an impact on all Grav Users, not immediately now, but in the long run.
This is a sad situation and a pity, Grav has been by far my favorite CMS of all I had to deal with so far.
So, what to do now ?
I for myself have lately been investigating a conversion/port of my Grav Site to a static Site, mostly for other reasons (see this Blog post), and now, this seems to make even more sense.
So, currently, I’m checking several options on how to proceed, the most promising of them is the migration to Hugo, which looks good, so far, I have already managed to automatically convert my Blog posts so they work with Hugo with minimal manual adjustment.
Of course, there is still work to be done, mostly related to plugin functionality.
If anyone else here is interested how that will proceed (including some scripts that ease the job), I’ll eventually post here.

I hope you’re wrong. But I have the same suspicions. If Grav is going to retire, then it would be nice to know in advance so I can migrate. I bought quite some premium plugins in support of Grav, which makes it double sad.

rhukster fixed an issue on GitHub - getgrav/grav: Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony two weeks ago, isn’t this a good sign?


well, correct, but if you take a closer look, that was just the merge of a one-line pull request, nothing substantial :smile: .
I guess @rhuk is totally busy with other things, maybe he’ll be back later, but I doubt.
all other relevant contributors have stopped their work completely long ago.

There’s just no major issues right now. I’m working on client projects but still fixing things in Grav and plugins as they come up. The good thing is that i’m reassured everyday I use Grav for real-world projects, that it’s working well, and is fast and stable. There’s really nothing major required at this point to address issues or shortcomings. A stable and reliable platform is really the best thing you can hope for in a CMS :slight_smile:


wow, a clear statement from the project lead - thanks @rhuk :smile:.
so, I guess this topic can be closed…


That’s all I needed to hear! :tada: I’m happy about that! Also because I plan to buy the premium Grav theme when I have time to transition to it.

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Thanks for the information, I agree that, if everything is going well and there is no need for new features at the moment, no changes are necessary. :+1:
Greetings and thanks.


Please don’t give me any more scares like this. This world is full of rush and bloated features. Projects like this one are needed.



@sdesergi - of course you are right with your statement that projects like this are needed, and I am glad that Grav is further maintained.
for me, however, the time to move on has come, as stated earlier.
my website hoernerfranzracing.de is now based on Hugo, the latest post there describes the transition.
despite this, I do not plan to completely abandon my Grav Plugins on my Github site, at least not now.
let’s see what the future will bring.

Is there any roadmap about Grav 1.8? There were even talks of a Grav 2.0 a few years ago. Not that I see a reason for a version bump with new features. But these things were announced in the past. I mostly miss up2date official Grav skeletons with e.g. the latest FontAwesome icons. Things start to age a bit. There are pull requests though, to fix some of these things. But they are not accepted.


Indeed, the fact that Grav is a mature project means that there is less need to release new versions, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t small bugs that need to be fixed, many of them are already there through pull requests from contributors. For example, translations, design improvements, etc. are an example of these small details that are already there as pull requests.
On the other hand, there are a sufficient number of plugins to be used with Grav, but the same thing happens, many of them have pull requests from more than 2 or 3 years ago. Some of these plugins are essential to build a website with Grav, and they should be prioritized by the Grav team.
In my opinion, this type of thing makes many people think that Grav is stagnant, and they look towards other projects with a different development pace. If the Grav team needs help, perhaps some of us are willing to take charge of maintaining some themes, plugins or parts of the core.


How about doing some issue cleanup, pull requests, and some other pending tasks, distributed by projects (Grav, Admin plugin, Essentials plugins, Themes, etc.) to which people interested in collaborating can join any of them.

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Oh, phew, this answer is a relief! After 15 years of working with WordPress, I just started my first project with Grav last week! The more I discover this tool, the more I love it. I would like to make it my CMS of choice in the future, but I have indeed noticed that a lot of information is from several years ago. By the way, I plan to make Grav known to my professional circle, but other than that, are there other ways to support the project?

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Unfortunately the Grav core team is down to just me. mahagr drifted away during Covid due to health issues, and w00fz is not around much any more.

Competing opensoure CMS projects are supported by dozens of volunteers distributed into multiple teams.

What we really need to is some volunteers to help with day-to-day help with bugs, security reports, ability to review, test, and merge pull requests, and ideally some development help to work on core features and new versions. Also help with other things like communications/social/marketing, design help or general help to work on the updated website stuff etc. Also the documentation could always use some help and improvement.

in short… HELP!!! :slight_smile:

This project is really too big for me alone to do all these jobs while still working to earn a living.

I’m going to construct a blog post and probably link to it in the regular support channels (github/discord/discourse), summarizing the need for help with the project in order to ensure Grav can continue and grow.

In short open source is hard, and it gets harder the more successful a project becomes. There’s no monetary benefits, and lots of work, but it can be rewarding to help people and develop cool software that is used all over the world.


This really helps a lot to know the difficulties that the project has and to be able to help.
Although I have already collaborated in some contributions to the project and some of its plugins, I would like to get more involved, especially in updating the Grav team’s themes, and the documentation. I am not yet ready to get involved in more serious aspects, since I lack a lot of knowledge of programming and especially of the project, but within three months I will have more time to dedicate to it.
However, in some free time I am taking a look at some issues and trying to find solutions.
On the other hand, you have mentioned that Mahagr has left the project due to health problems and I wonder if the Gantry project is also stopped and needs help.

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And multiple languages? At least with the documentation.

Hope to see that post soon!

In my opinion, the secret is to find a balance between capability and simplicity, supported by as open a community as possible.

In the spirit of helping in any way I can, I’ll keep an eye out here. I hope you know how to open the project to receive new energy!

Hey everybody,

I was very sad to discover pamtbaau gone from this forum, and then seeing this thread did alarm me a little. And well do I know the ongoing struggle of basically all group efforts, not just in open source development, of having to find/attract and integrate new blood.

For what it’s worth, I don’t feel super competent in many aspects that seem important to the project to me, but I do create all my websites with Grav and I have a vested interest in picking up the slack. So please, link to the blog post whenever it’s done so I won’t miss it, that would be lovely!

Let’s team up! :upside_down_face:


Hi @rhuk hope to get your informations soon. I could be in the game. Don’t ask to work on quantic things :smiley: but I can help.

I use the premium Grav theme and it works very well for me. I had two previous themes that I had modified but the premium theme takes care of a bunch of things I’m happy to avoid setting up, like having tailwind out of the box.

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