For a moment the admin plugin still in development without any eta release. Some features already complete but need time to complete, please be patient.
I am now amazed!
As others I have searched for the best CMS, is it Grav? May be so!
So I want to contribute with a fantasy and ideas.
Do not fancy easy reading or ideas? Skip to last part.
My vision for the easiest cmd in the world, here we go.
Login as author, to see the list of my pages,
eg Home as Modular page and Blog as Listing Page.
Tho I only see the Title.
So I decide to click on Blog, and a list of my Blog posts will be displayed.
I can either delete, edit or create.
So I decide to create a new post and I click the button ”+”.
A form listed Title, Category (+/- new Category), Description, Tags, the Markdown editor and Page media will be shown (if Edit, these fields will be filled). So there is not much, but the most user friendly function.
Behind the graphics there is some superb functions.
For Modular, the new folders will still be modular, named by _title and loaded into the Modular page.
For Listing Page, Date published and date modified will be auto.
The Title will be the slug.
Description may be meta.
Author will be auto, and so on.
Regarding the Page media, if the new attached media is not linked in the Markdown editor, the media will dynamically be generated at bottom of the content. Why? It enables better gallery option instead of linking every media manually.
To make the next level, this funktion uses Ajax from the front end and Archive / Front end as CRUD.
I would cry tears of joy if this were possible, eg in this project or as plugin, I apologize if OT, but it involves this superb dashboard in many ways.
If time/money is the issue,
I’m able to share and donate my savings, due to the fact that I know the UI as my own pocket, but cannot construct this with legit and error-free code.
And we really need the simplicity of the web, for the web.
Thanks for reading,
Sincerely, Jonni Hake
Hi, really like your work. I’m thinking to convert my projects from wordpress on grav, but stops that still do not have the admin. There are some estimated dates for release 1.0.0 version? <- has the latest update. Make sure you follow us on Twitter and the RSS feed for the blog for the latest updates.