The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available

Well I got this new issue on Windows 10 while trying to use bin/gpm or bin/grav:

The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available.If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the 'disable-tls' option to true.

I am certain I have openssl:

openssl -h

Standard commands
asn1parse         ca                ciphers           cms
crl               crl2pkcs7         dgst              dh
dhparam           dsa               dsaparam          ec
ecparam           enc               engine            errstr
gendh             gendsa            genpkey           genrsa
nseq              ocsp              passwd            pkcs12
pkcs7             pkcs8             pkey              pkeyparam 

So I am not sure what is the actual problem.

You may have the openssl libraries installed, but you need to ensure the openssl extension is installed for PHP. Check out the requirements page

You can also check real quick with:

php -i | grep ssl

Something should show up.

Extension was there, apparently I had wrong path to extensions in php.ini file. Thanks for help.