I think one nice feature would be the ability to write new blog entries without using the admin panel.
The best way I can think of would be to login, then being able to open a popup panel with a list of all the users blog entries, and being able to write, delete or edit them from there.
For some even the admin panel is too technical - so I think giving non-admin blogs authors the option to fill the blog without leavin the blogs frontside would be just great.
I recall this idea already came up in discussions. Maybe when you’re logged in as admin, there could be a top bar with some admin functionality available in the frontend too.
Users with just pages editing permissions could just have page editing functionality available.
One approach could be plugging the DraftIn’s “Draft Everywhere” function into a simple textarea. This would certainly simplify non-technical users experience.
Having a top bar with some admin functionality after being logged would probably be the best solution. Add a post from there or have little edit icon on each post to invoke the same edit post window again.