I’m just starting to use Grav and i think it’s an amazing tool. However, I’m trying to display subpages in the menu.
I am using receptar skeletton/theme and I’d like to display subpages in blogs folder (ie : /user/pages/01.blog/*/item.md) in the main menu. I could have created folders for each page in /user/pages/ but I’d like to show preview on the main page (/blog) like blog posts.
Can someone give me a hint, or something, a trick to do this ?
First remember that the numeric prefix on the folder ‘by default’ makes a page visible. This in turn means it will show up in a menu. Most blog type skeletons don’t want blog items in a menu, so they typically don’t have this folder prefix on their page folders. You can override this behavior by setting visible: true in the page header (or via admin).
Next just setting the page to be visible, has to be matched with a theme that supports showing submenu items. I’m not familiar with the Receptar theme, but you can use Antimatter as a good example.
It has a macro with logic in the templates/partials/navigation.html.twig file that loops through top-level pages, then if there are children, and they are visible, it loops through those too. It keeps recursing and outputting a nested list that is then styled via CSS to only display as you hover. Standard stuff really.
It dosn’t seems to work… I added visible: true in the header of my subage (user\pages\01.blog\01.a-very-delicious-blog) item.md (and btw, added the numeric prefix) and I can’t make it appears in the menu. I cleared the cache, I checked navigation.html.twig and it is pretty similar to the Antimatter one…
Hi !
I’m assuming that the receptar config is \user hemes\receptar\receptar.yaml . In that case, there is no option to enable it. I tried adding dropdown.enabled: true, dropdown.enabled (alone) and it doesn’t seems to work.
Mmm… looks like in Receptar the dropdown is available, but there’s no configuration option to enable it.
The correct path is user/config/themes/receptar.yaml. The second file content you added should work fine.