I have set up two pages underneath Home, call them A and B.
Underneath A, I have set up two subpages, call them Aa and Ab.
Underneath Aa, I have set up one subsubpage, call it Aa1.
I have enabled the dropdown menu in user/config/themes/antimatter.yaml
Most of the pages are visible on the menu when on different pages or subpages, but when I am on subpage Aa, the page below it, subsubpage Aa1 is NOT visible from the menu. (But Aa1 is visible on the menu when I am on each of the other pages.)
Perhaps I shouldn’t use subsubpages!
Anyway, this glitch may be tied up with my Breadcrumb issue (which I have parked for the moment).
I know you have 3 questions, but they may be related to just the same thing. It would be helpful if you could zip up your grav directory and put that on dropbox/googledrive/onedrive/whatever so that I can download it and have a look at it while going over your questions. It’s kinda hard to recreate the setup in my head while trying to debug your issue.
Hi Rhuk,
Thanks for helping.
I have done the following:
a fresh install of Grav
created the file ‘user/config/themes/antimatter.yaml’ and set it for dropdown menus
created a simple page structure.
When I’m on any of pages Home | Page A | Page B, I can see (subsub) page Aa1 in the menu.
When I’m on either of pages Page Aa | Page Ab, I cannot see (subsub) page Aa1 in the menu.