Snappy pdf

I have installed the snappygrav plugin to export to pdf but when I click on the pdf button I get a Forbidden 403 page. Have followed the readme instructions - any tips why I’m getting this error?

I’m on localhost with xampp, composer and components installed as described in the readme.

Hi obeliksz, can you tell me what theme you’re using and the final part of what appears in the address bar?

Hi iusvar,
theme: learn
the url: http://localhost/learn:completepdf
if would want to take a look on it, how would you like it to send it to you?

Hello obeliksz,
thanks you but I do not need code…
There is a bug that I have not solved yet, and I think that’s the case …
Then, try moving to any page other than the default, that is, the first page displayed …
Then, if in the selected page there is not a link to the full pdf, in the address bar, to existing content, add :completepdf

If I add it to a page it says that the file is unavailable.
Workaround solution?

Maybe it will be better to take a look … can you put your site zipped on dropbox or google drive and paste me the link to iusvar at yahoo dot it?

Well I found the problem, in the vendor has no knplabs and h4cc and then it means that you must install with composer, as follows (in the command line must be placed in the base folder where there is index.php):

composer require knplabs/KNP-snappy

composer require h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-i386

after having done it all works (except the bug for the default page of which I am already aware and I hope to resolve as soon as possible: first page is still printed with completepdf)

that’s all

Thanks, now I have installed with composer as you suggested, having the knplabs and h4cc folders under the vendors but still I just get the same 403 Forbidden page, now not only for /root:completepdf but also for /root/page:completepdf (previously it gave a firefox generated error page saying page not found).

I created the PDF from your site, after I installed as needed. I do not know why you write /root:completepdf or /root/page:completepdf

Trying on my PC the data you posted me the base address to view the site is

To create the pdf that was enough move to Complete feature list (then in the address bar:, then to click on the pdf icon (shortcut: and get the pdf to download … which I sent to your email.

I have set up a VirtualBox with linux, configured it and now I am able to get the pdf!! :smiley: