Does anyone know how to replace the text site title name on the theme Hypertext with an image logo?
Does anyone know how to replace the text site title name on the theme Hypertext with an image logo?
I think you should read the forum guidelines and then consider posting your question again or maybe asking it elsewhere.
Here’s the solution I figured out:
go to user/themes/hypertext/templates/partials/page/header.html.twig
{% else %}
<h1><a href="{{ home_url }}">{{ site.title|e('html') }}</a></h1>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<h1><a href="{{ home_url }}"><img src="{{ base_url_relative }}/user/images/logo.png" /></a></h1>
{% endif %}
@rvlv, Please know that changes should never be made in a published theme/plugin. Your changes will be lost once a new version is released by the author.
Use an inheriting theme instead.
Oh, you mean Grav automatically updates the theme? Thanks for the solution, will look into it.
@rvlv, No, Grav will do nothing automatically, but Admin will notify you if new versions have arrived. When hitting ‘Update’ themes/plugins will be overridden.