Recaptchacontact error on a contact page

I’m trying to avoid spams. I’ve read some pages about honeypot that I don’t understand (If somebody has a simple recipe…)
So I’ve tried to install reCAPTCHA Contact plugin
But I’ve errors on any page I’m trying to create

RuntimeException (500)
Cannot load blueprint blueprints://flex-objects/pages.yaml: Failed to read /…/user/plugins/recaptchacontact/blueprints/default.yaml: Non-string keys are not supported. Quote your evaluable mapping keys instead at line 26 (near “false: PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED”).

DId I did a mistake?


The RecaptchaContact plugin is old (7 years, last update 5 years ago) and probably abandoned.

The above mentioned error has already been mentioned twice in the issues of the plugin since 2020 and has not been fixed, nor has it been responded to by the author.

I would run away from this plugin…

Aside from the issues with the RecaptchaContact plugin, the Form plugin has build-in several anti-spam options.

Did you have the chance to read the Forms documentation, especially the Form Field Index?

Thank you so much @pamtbaau without you I would leave Grav. I like very much the concept and the light but it’s very difficult for someone without any coding experience (and using only the Admin panel)


I like very much the concept and the light but it’s very difficult for someone without any coding experience (and using only the Admin panel)

I guess Grav has been build with skilled developers in mind, who appreciate using a file/text editor (e.g. VSCode) to edit config files, create the pages tree on the OS, adapt templates files, etc.

Admin is an afterthought which makes it a bit easier to edit content or alter some config. It doesn’t offer much flexibility to adapt themes, unless the theme provides a rich config file to set fonts, colors, etc. Themes usually don’t provide such settings.

Having said that, the Grav team offers a Premium Admin and Premium themes and plugins. They are paid addons.

I’ve tried them all and Turnstile is by far:

  • easiest to set up
  • most effective (tied with reCaptcha)
  • most user-friendly.

A post was split to a new topic: Turnstile: No secret provided