Just came across this https://format.com/features/proofing and I was wondering do we have a plugin similar to this? I recall there is but its been awhile since I looked at my grav install and all the plugins that are available, although I did just have a quick look on here.
If there isn’t anything similar, is this something that someone has thought about making?
Going a little further to the payments side of things, where no doubt some, if not all of us have had issues in the past… I also came across this nifty service, which may not be brilliant for every client but still a fantastic way to get paid on time and I feel could work with a similar “proofing system” as I mentioned earlier. https://www.fileship.io/transfer
If I had the knowledge and time I would love to do something similar that combines similar features to these, in a plugin for Grav!
Hey if no one replies, it serves as a reminder to me that these are things that I would find useful and maybe one day I might find the time to be able to give it go
Both of those do sound like great plugin ideas. Or maybe one plugin that handles both. Either way, i’ve jotted them down for future development ideas. Thanks!