Hi all, in Helium+Gantry 5+Grav the position of previous post and next post are inverted (the right arrow should lead to “NEXT” not to “PREVIOUS”) How can I correct this?
Are you looking for something like this? http://test.hibbittsdesign.org/grav-skeleton-eportfolio-blog-site/blog
Hi Paul, thanks, this is exactly what i need
Great, it’s the way I prefer the buttons to be organized as well. To achieve the same you will need to add a bit of custom Twig to the custom folder for your Helium folder (and create one if none exists).
In your Helium theme folder, create the following series of sub-folders:
Add the following in a file called
and find the chunk of code starting with{% if show_prev_next %}
and replace that chunk with the below:
{% if show_prev_next %}
<p class="prev-next">
{% if not page.isLast %}
<a class="button" href="{{ page.prevSibling.url }}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ 'GANTRY5_ENGINE_BLOG_ITEM_PREV_POST'|trans }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if not page.isFirst %}
<a class="button" href="{{ page.nextSibling.url }}">{{ 'GANTRY5_ENGINE_BLOG_ITEM_NEXT_POST'|trans }} <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
I use this exact code in my ePortfolio Skeleton, and you can view that repo at https://github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-eportfolio-blog/blob/master/themes/g5_helium/custom/templates/partials/blog_item.html.twig
Let me know how you make out.
Perfect Paul! this is what I needed! Now my second problem: the Gantry5 particle “popular tags” redirect me to a 404 page (using helium skeleton):what the problem?
Is that my Taxonomy List Particle (https://github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-gantry5-particle-blog-tags) or someone else’s?
Yes it is! I copied the Taxonomy list folder from your plugins folder to mine
Did you enter the root name of your blog (folder) via the Particle options? I think I do an auto-default to ‘blog’. You need to have the Taxonomy plugin installed as well as both files for my Particle.
Ok! in my website was actually pages/blog, this is why I have the 404 page; now I’ve corrected to the right path and all is OK Thanks a million!