At the bottom of the first blog-item page, there is a Previous post-button.
On the second blog-item page, there is a Next post-button and a Previous post-button, third page etc etc… Next-prev-blog-item-buttons
Where can I translate the english Next / Previous text to site language ?
How can I remove the pagination from specific pages ?
There is no language file for this, but it is possible to translate it, and also use multiple languages with it.
I see you are using Gantry5.
I will do my best in hacking together a solution for you:)
I have tested it in a couple of different ways and all of them worked! It was nice to actually know in case I need to translate some of my projects too.
The language code do not really matter as long as it matches the Grav configuration you specify. The 4 letter language code often refer to a dialect in a language. Like for Norwegian it is nb-NO and nn-NO. You might be right for Swedish to be SV, though for me SE is more logical? SV sounds more like Slovenia.
Just use SV unless you need more then one Swedish dialect.