New to Grav - html/ posts page display issues

Hi was just trying to add in something like this

title : mexican food bowl
cookingtime: 25mins
cals: 400
kjs: 2300

and then call it doing like {{ post.cookingtime }} or {{cookingtime}}

but I can’t get anything working. Basically I want to have like a page on nutrition which then is pulling recipes into it but i can’t get it showing up things like post.summary or those extra ones i added in.

Where i am going wrong here? Again i’m totally new to it and was basically wanting to convert my html to grav site as i had it in wordpress but rewritten in as wordpress was too slow and i didnt want all the extra plugins etc.

Can anyone give me some advice?

Also - I was searching for answers online but couldn’t find any - is there a way i can strip the <p> tag that gets output on some of the markdown content at all?

OK so i figured out i needed etc for these to display.

Was wondering though is there a way I can get the cal info from the header into the content markdown as well instead of writing it twice?

ok…i actually figured that out as well :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, JUST wondering - when i’ve finished the local setup is it as easy as transferring everything to the server or is there a special deployment process?