Many Tries, No Success

No success after many tries. I have not uploaded much so I have a few questions. I download grav-admin, extract it into grav folder I have made on my pc, then upload grav folder with extracted files into webroot which is /var/www/html. I finally used straight FTP as SFTP was not working and threw a ton of errors on upload. Once the upload is finished I go to https://mydomain.tld/grav/admin and get either a white screen or page not found. I know it is my lack of depth in doing an upload so I am looking for two items of help here. I am not sure where or how to place the grav. folder in the webroot and am not sure if I upload correctly. I extract the files into the grav folder on my desktop then drag and drop the folder into /var/www/html and hope it works. I am using Filezilla and FTP shows only a few errors which I don’t know how to find during upload. Any help is greatly appreciated as I know it cannot be this difficult and it is just my ignorance making these problems. Thank you very much, ACrowe

You now have created 3 separate topics about subjectivity the same issue. One has a solution, another one has no reply to a suggestion and now this… Duplicating posts without any explanation only confuses others…

I apologize for the questions being so similar. If you noticed, the solution for the first was due to the idea that you had helped me solve the problem. As I tried I found this not to be the case so I asked again with finer detail as my first question was rather over broad. I felt I had not asked the question correctly so I have asked again; twice, with more detail as I learned my mistakes but did not achieve a good result. I made the assumption that, even though I have a thick skull, admittedly, I might fine tune the “how” of uploading this particular software as I had not done this since 2006 and so much has changed. I am merely an old man attempting to master a piece of unfamiliar software and not one trying to harass a support forum. Again, my sincere apologies if you think ill of me. ACrowe