Is the Grav website open source as well?

I love the way the Grav blog page looks and behaves and would love to have the TWIG and styles needed for this page. I would like to use this on a video gallery page I am working on (similar to here

Nope, but really there’s not that much magic to that. I just looped over the blog posts and rendered out using this:

Lots of cool info on the forum, not sure if this bit helps with your video gallery idea and being able to add taxonomy…!/general:media-collections

@rhukster awesome - thanks for sharing - CSS is definitely “magic” to me and my weakest link in my developer stack. I was able to get it working on my site

@benblee - thanks as well. I didn’t even realize filters were possible let alone how you added meta data to images. Looks like filters are used similarly to how I am familiar with them in Angular

I am on like Day 4 of quality time with Grav and definately loving it - now I need to finish my Proof of Concept so I can convince others to move from our overly heavy and expen$$sive CMS