I am trying to get the grav-admin plugin to work, I’m at the point where I imported the .htaccess file into IIS URL Rewrite successfully. The rules are parsed with no errors, and they are created in IIS:
When I browse to the grav-admin site I am presented with the following error: HTTP Error 500.52 - URL Rewrite Module Error. The expression "({{|}}|{%|%})" contains a repeat expression (one of '*', '?', '+', '{' in most contexts) that is not preceded by an expression.
It looks like it is something to do with the rules, but I can’t make heads or tails of it.
Please help.
Thank you!
That’s the exact issue I had while trying to run Grav on Xampp and then on some native Windows software. Spent a day without any luck solving it. Then I just got Laragon (as I already suggested) and there were no issues Doesn’t look like I’m going back to Xampp or that Windows solution any time soon
Thanks, I’m going to need to get Laragon and try all this again sometime.
I am quite despondent with Grav at the moment - I’ll hopefully pick it up again in the near future.
Hi, I don’t have any experience with Linux unfortunately. I was just trying to play around with Grav to see if it would work for my use case before making any decisions to move to a new OS or web server etc.
I found that if you removed the two sub-rules, it will work. I’ve been searching online and couldn’t find a direct solution for IIS. So, I actually stopped being lazy and read the error and figured it out.