Gantry Language switcher for navigation


Fortunately, I found Gantry today and am now working on the layout of my website :blush:

I have installed both basic themes on Gantry, Helium and Hydrogen. I also installed the plugin laguange switcher and I translated one of my pages. I can use the language switcher in the CSS, in the nav, it is displayed and it works.

But unfortunately I can’t find a way to position the language switcher in Gantry. It simply does not exist. What do I have to do to have the language switcher in the sidebar of Gantry? I also read in the forum that Gantry is not (yet) capable of mulilanguage. Is that still the case?


@LinuC, There’s only a handful of Grantry users visiting this forum. Also because there are so few questions about Gantry, they rarely visit this forum.

You might have more luck in the dedicated Gantry forums.

Thank you! I moved my topic now to the support subforum for Gantry :slightly_smiling_face:

@LinuC, Uhm, did you just change the labels for this topic?

That won’t make a difference. I doubt if anyone is reading only selected topic categories. What I meant was that you could increase the chances for an answer if you ask you question at the forum of Gantry themes itself: RocketTheme - Category Index, or even Gantry’s chat:

What does this “just” mean? :roll_eyes:

Yes, while googling I saw this racket theme, but who can already know that this is Gantry! Although Gantry actually has something heavenly about it, at least for non-CSSler and non-HTML templaters. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t recognize the negative aspects of Gantry. But the option to explore CSS and HTML in depth makes me a little nervous considering my already advanced age and the constantly shrinking remaining time in my programmable material shell. I hope you understand.

But well, I will copy the topic to other forums and let my hope sprout there. I just thought, so I simply thought that people in the Grav forum know, because Gantry was made by de Grav people.