How to use a skeleton?

lol. ok. will do

the best one to try Grav out with is Blog Skeleton which uses Antimatter (the default and most supported theme in Grav)

Yep, something is weird with Striped when I tried it too, it doesn’t load it’s own CSS.

At least you have Grav running! That’s step one.

git clone user
chown -R www-data:www-data user
bin/grav install

That works

Success! After some frustration.

But you still like that git clone thing. :slight_smile:

Some? lol Thank you both for your help.

If you ever had to use cvs you would understand why git is our savior.

Created an issue too:

I use git all the time. But Grav does it’s own updates via the bin/grav selfupate and bin/grav update commands so pulling from the repository isn’t as necessary. Once I get my Grav install running, I create a repo for it and push that to my GitHub account.

I have used CVS, Perforce, Rational, Mecurial, VSS, SVN, but Git is definitely the best.

bin/gpm Bob :slight_smile:


bin/grav install admin

ERROR Missing .dependencies file in user/ folder
ERROR invalid YAML in .dependencies

bin/grav uses git

bin/gpm install admin

GPM is the Grav Package Manager

bin/gpm, bin/grav with almost the same commands… That is confusing. I like that you have a built in “drush” type utility.

bin/grav does grav things… bin/gpm does package things. They do have overlap on install but I think that’s about it.

okdokie. Thanks for the info

Well, give Grav a fair shake now that you have it running. You’ll find the support community is good. And you might love not being shackled to a database. :slight_smile: