Help with twitter cards

Hello everybody and have a good time. I for one, am not. I must say loved Grav at first sight for its simplicity but now I’m a tad dissapointed in it. You see, I love the look and feel, but coming from WordPress it’s almost just a click of a button to get the dang twitter cards.

But wait. I’m more than willing to learn. I can arrange some time for. So I googled and got to this page Blogging Metadata on <>.

Now this page said:
At the start of each of your blog posts you will want to have the following:

title: Blog Post Title
publish_date: Date the blog post will go live
date: Date the blog post was written
    'og:title': Blog Post Title
    'og:type': article
    'og:description': Description of what your blog post is covering.  This will be visible when people share your post on social media.
    'og:url': The URL of the blog post
    'og:site_name': The name of the overall site the blog post belongs to. 
    'og:locale': The language your blog post is written in
    'og:image': The image you reference here will be visible when shared on social media. 
    'twitter:card' : The type of Twitter card that should be used. 
    'twitter:site' : Your Twitter handle
    'twitter:title' : Blog Post Title
    'twitter:description' : Description of what your blog post is covering.  This will be visible when people share your post on social media.
    'twitter:image' : The image you reference here will be visible when shared on social media. 
    'twitter:creator': The twitter handle of the blog post author. 
    category: [Blog post category]
    tag: [Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, Tag 4]
    author: Author's name

This text, which I foolishly edited to match my details ended up showing in my page! LOLZ!

So, kind souls of Grav, could you point me in the right direction so I can learn the basics?

Thank you very much indeed!

Hi @151mp137471n , I use Twitter Cards for my Quark-based Blog so hopefully a live example will help you🙂

Here is a sample piece of frontmatter:

    'twitter:card' : summary
    'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign
    'twitter:title' : A Few Thoughts About... Sneak Peek at my Plans to use Discord for CMPT 363
    'twitter:description' : "A look at how I plan to use Discord as the primary communication space with my upcoming CMPT 363 classes"
    'twitter:image': ''

To verify my Twitter Frontmatter I use this tool:

So you can verify the above Frontmatter example using this Card URL:

Hope the above is of help!

Thak you for the swift reply! I’ll definitely try this! CHEERS!
Now the validator shows the card but Twitter dosn’t load it. I’ll keep trying!

Sometimes Twitter seems to cache cards etc… you could try again later or do a force-refresh in the Browser to see if there are any changes.

oddly enough it’s working in other platforms like WhatsApp. Let’s give them time. Thank you so much for your anser brother!

In whatsapp and the vaidator it looks wonderful. It’s just oudated in Twitter, but I guess I’ll havef to wait for them to cache it.Screenshot_2021-08-26 Card Validator Twitter Developers

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