The Featureflags Plugin integrates the Feature Flags Service for the DevOps plattform GitLab.
I use it myself for a multi-stage DevOps environment that spins up 3 environments with different feature flag settings out-of-the-box.
There’s a simple demo on the following three urls online:
- Development:
- Staging:
- Production:
Development has an IP protection which makes the site unreachable for you.
Staging has an PW protection which blocks the site with a login. Try name customer and password admin.
Production hides the website behind a splash-screen.
All these features have feature flag switches in GitLab so you can switch them on and off with just a click.
Read more in the of the open source github project: GitHub - johnnieclapper/grav-plugin-feature-flags: This plugin for GRAV CMS integrates the Unleash Feature Flag Service with GitLab
Everything works so far but I need feedback and use cases to improve the plugin. Therefore the release is flagged with pre-release. A production release is not far away though “with a little help from my friends” (said by The Beatles, not me).
Feel free to reach out if you want to see a demo, if you would like to suggest features, give feedback, contribute.
Have a great day. Cheers.