This post is a statement; not a question, sharing for info if anyone is interested. Corrections or observations welcome.
I have set up local grav/docker (raspberry pi) with a blog+admin skeleton. This is cloned to a github repo ( I have a .gitignore for backup, cache and logs.
My live grav is hosted on to a (free) x10hosting site, again with a clean blog+admin skeleton. Content is sync’d using the (fine) ftp Deploy github action to deploy only the user/pages folder.
The repo is visible for anyone to review and even clone (the ftp will not work without username and password secrets saved for the Action)
Limitations: I realise any template or config changes are NOT shared between local test and live, but I am happy with that, as I am trying to keep to a basic skeleton as the foundation.
Next steps: create a new testing branch on github to make and test changes to the local docker image, and then merge testing into main when happy, and this will deploy to live.