Gantry 5 Helium Contact Form


can someone help me get the contact form working?

I use Gantry 5 and custom HTML particle to get my contact form on my site.

But i dont really know how to connect it with Grav Form/Email plugin.
Can Someone help me?
I already looked for a particle for gantry5 i can buy, but cant find anything.

<div class="g-content">

    Schreiben Sie uns eine Nachricht</b></H1></legend>
<form name="contact" action="/home" method="POST" id="contact">
    <div class="form-field  ">
        <div class="form-label">
            <label class="inline">
                <span class="required">*</span>
        <div class="form-data" data-grav-field="text" data-grav-disabled="true" data-grav-default="null">
            <div class="form-input-wrapper  ">
                <input name="data[name]" value="" required="required" title="Bitte geben Sie einen Namen ein," type="text">
    <div class="form-field  ">
        <div class="form-label">
            <label class="inline">
                <span class="required">*</span>
        <div class="form-data" data-grav-field="text" data-grav-disabled="true" data-grav-default="null">
            <div class="form-input-wrapper  ">
                <input name="data[email]" value="" required="required" title="Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein" type="text">
          <div class="form-field  ">
            <div class="form-label">
                <label class="inline">
                    <span class="required">*</span>
                <div class="form-data" data-grav-field="text" data-grav-disabled="true" data-grav-default="null">
                    <div class="form-input-wrapper  ">
                        <input name="data[subject]" value="" required="required" title="Bitte geben Sie eine Nachricht ein" type="text">
<div class="form-field  ">
    <div class="form-label">
        <label class="inline">
            <span class="required">*</span>
                <div class="form-data" data-grav-field="textarea" data-grav-disabled="true" data-grav-default="null">
                    <div class="form-textarea-wrapper ">
                        <textarea name="data[message]" class="input" required="required" title="Ihre Nachricht sollte mindestens 10 Wörter lang sein."></textarea>
                       <button class="button" type="submit">

for Grav Forms plugin the forms are created in page header, there you set fields and actions. See this example:

Thanks for your answer. I know how to set up the form on a normal Grav Template but i dont know how to code it with gantry 5 theme helium…

Here is one way to call the Grav form in Gantry5.

  1. Open G5 administrator
  2. Select your Outline
  3. Go to Layout tab
  4. Add a custom html particle
  5. configure particle to call the Grav form with twig: {% include 'forms/form.html.twig' with { form: forms('your-form') } %}

1 Like

Thank you very much hugoaf! After 2 hours of concentrating i found another way. I coded the legend and the form twig route to the default Grav Content. In Gantry 5 i choose the Particle : Main Page Content. Just adjust the a little bit and it worked. But your way is a little bit smarter i guess.

Thanks a lot for your help.
I hope we can help more People with this post.

NHI Systems

Hi! I’m having the same issue. I’m not sure I understand the coding the legend and form twig route. I’d really appreciate your help!

I’m trying to configure my form in a Gantry section like you suggest, and it shows fine, except the Google captcha (it doesn’t show), and when I want to send a message, it shows an error that says ‘captcha not valid’.
How I do setup this in layout Gantry or in the custom html particle to show captcha?

Thanks in advance.

You can probe in

(The second form is made with your method)

Hello there.
Definitely, I’ve chosen the traditional method to call contact page with form. In one section of layout Gantry, I’ve put the"Page content particle", and in the contact page, I have my form such as describe the Grav Documentation. I’ve changed the display to redirect, to call the thankyou page with Gantry structure.

redirect: /contact/thankyou

I hope I’ve helped.