Hey everybody,
I want to do a fairly simple classified ads page. I thought this should be easy with a designated flex-objects directory, and I’ve got that done (a page that lists directory entries).
But I would like a button next to each ad/entry that says “I’m interested”, and upon clicking it an email gets sent to the advertiser. The problem here is, how do I do this in Grav, either with or without using the forms plugin? I’d need a form for each flex entry…
I could put in HTML forms manually, but where would I put the PHP code to do all the processing, and how would I present the resulting feedback to the user who clicked the button?
Thank you for your ideas!
@Netzhexe, Why not use Typescript/Js and call an async fetch submitting the name/id of the ad to the server?
A simple unpolished example:
Inject the following inline script using Asset Manager
async function sentEmail(topic) {
try {
const response = await fetch(
window.location.pathname + 'subscribeToAd:' + topic,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(topic),
if (response.ok) {
// handle success
const returnValue = await response.json();
} else {
// handle issue
alert('Houston, we have a problem');
} catch (error) {
// handle Error
alert('Houston, we crashed...');
For each add, you could add a anchor which calls the sendEmail()
function with a topic as parameter.
<a href="#" onclick="sentEmail('topic1')">Subscribe</a>
Of course you could use a button and add an event listener to it which calls the sendEmail()
In a plugin, at event onPluginInitialized
check for param used by fetch and handle submitted data:
if ($this->grav['uri']->param('subscribeToAd') !== false) {
$topic = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$user = $this->grav['user'];
$response = $this->sendEmail($topic, $user);
echo json_encode($response);
Using a form as an alternative:
- create a single form containing a list/grid of checkboxes with the ad as title
- when user clicks submit button, process submitted checkboxes on server in event
Hey, thank you. I’m a little wary of relying on Javascript for essential functions… I just like to have fallbacks. Maybe I’m overthinking this though.
The solution using a form brings up another question: does onFormProcessed
also work for forms that I create myself in a twig template, and not with the Forms plugin? Because the checkbox solution was exactly what I had in mind 
I’m a little wary of relying on Javascript for essential functions… I just like to have fallbacks.
What issues do you foresee…? Almost the entire web depends on JavaScript, doesn’t it?
question: does onFormProcessed
also work for forms that I create myself in a twig template, and not with the Forms plugin?
I would be surprised if the Forms plugin would handle custom forms…
I guess you will have to handle the form in PHP yourself using $_POST.
In case anyone’s thinking about doing something similar, I ended up using a flex directory for the entries and a bunch of custom php for the page handling and to send emails. Works alright so far, like I said it’s not a big thing. I added some custom fields to member registration as well, that was interesting.