After update Grav from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6, I can’t access to Plugins and Themes in Admin Panel (version 1.1.2).
Exception: (“GPM not reachable. Please check your internet connection or check the Grav site is reachable”) in “partials/themes-list.html.twig” at line 21.
Every thing work perfect before updating, didn’t change anything in server settings.
Before the admin updated its appears as: PLUGIN ADMIN VERIFICATION … (can’t remember exactly cause after update its changed to Remote Verify Peer (SSL).
Now when I look again, it’s not there anymore
I think it was something with options to choose: Fopen, Curl, Auto.
You are correct it was in it’s in the “System configuration”.
Sorry for all the confusing posts before, I did all the process again on other server just so I can find the right Name.
(in this server I had no problem to get into Plugins and update them without changing this to NO).
Really weird that your language strings are not translated. They are fully translated for me in 1.1.6. But you do need to update the admin plugin too.
We have a fix that should tackle this, we’ll probably release this in the next day or two. Short term fix, is just to that value to No as you have already done.