Default landing page with Themer plugin

Thanks to hints present in Possible to use multiple themes? with the answers from @Sommerregen , I managed to have a similar setup:

  • a learn2 tutorial
  • with one page Tessellate welcome screen

But I do not manage for the Tesselate to be the default index of the site… which systematically goes to the first page of the learn2 ones.

My users/pages/ are
home -> Tessellate
02.basic -> learn2 -> learn2

If I made home into 01.home it shows up in the learn2 index to the left…
How can I overcome this? Is it because learn2 is the default theme and I need to switch that to Tessellate? Or there is way to write that down in the index.html ?

Thanks for any hint.

Finally found my answer thanks to a previous post: Landing Page Redirection

Changing manually the system.yaml did not work (although I cleaned the cache), but using the admin panel did work like a charm.

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