Please believe that I am absolutely sorry to bother with this issue.
especially @Sommerregen
that helped me before.
[to @Sommerregen: I tried to send you a message 3 h ago… thrue this forum’s message possibility…]
You probably remember how brilliantly you solved my issue with succeeding in making the cookiespolicy multilingual… I really appreciated it, and it’s a little, but a progress for grav also.
Unfortunately, yesterday, I blindly upgraded the plugin thrue GPM from version 1.04 to 1.06 thinking that the changes you made where included in the upgrade!
And there were not.
I have made a backup before, but I don’t no how to restore it right now as there is a command for back up, but no command called restore.
[Of course, I thought I would be able BY MYSELF, to have the plugin multilingual again, but even being trying from early this morning hard did not get me to the point: I just became paranoïnac as *the plugin have been changed and is not exactly the same: I don’t understand exactly what is what and it’s a technical issue there.]
[ I thought I had the previous files that you gentely sent to me to restore the previous version, but in fact, confindent in backup system of grav, I just kept the one of the plugin directory…]
[I tried to download again the file you kindly send again from your server, but there is no target anymore (which is evident, I beg your pardon to mention it).]
[I have written to `@Giansi`, the writer of the plugin, to expose the problem of this morning: [link]( But there is no answer yet, nor to the previous issue…]
Therefore right now plugin is not working.
I would like you to agree with me to help getting this plugin completely and defenitively multilingual, that is to say ublished and present in its multilingual form in the repository under, for instance, your name and credit to @giansi
Thank you in advance for the consideration to this request.
tidivoit ♪