Cookiepolicy plugin

Sorry to not being able to get to the point by myself

For cookie policy plugin:
I copied cookiepolicy.yaml from user/plugin/cookiepolicy to user/themes/mytheme
it is not overwritten when displayed:
should I modify it in user/plugin/cookiepolicy then?

How can I modify redaction of cookiepolicy.yaml to display bar in the suitable current language ?

The plugin config must be put in user/config/plugins/cookiepolicy.yaml, not under themes

ok, thank you, understood; I just erased the wrong one in user/themes/mytheme.

How can I set cookiepolicy.yaml to display bar in the suitable language?
I would like to make a fr, ja, and en versions.

here is the code of cookiepolicy.yaml:

enabled: true
type: bar
message: We use cookies to help us give you the best experience when using our website. Unless you change your settings, we'll assume that you agree for us to do this. However, you can change your settings at any time according with your browser.
btn_privacy: 'Learn more'
btn_close: 'Close'
url: ''

I took a look, the cookiespolicy plugin is not setup to be multilingual. You can open an issue for this on the plugin issues page

thank for the answer, I’ll make an issue…

here is the link to the issue internationalization of grav-plugin-cookies-policy #7… Thanks in avance for grav…