I am very new to grav. I have created a recaptcha form exactly per https://learn.getgrav.org/forms/forms/example-form
Whenever I submit the form I get “Oops there was a problem, please check your input and submit the form again.”
Apparently this is a problem with something called “nonce”?
I am VERY new to this and just trying to set up a basic site. Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.
A few things to note on my install.
- For some reason a lot of files did not have “execute” enabled in their permissions when I installed grav from the zip file. I wonder if there is a file that needs this added. All files in the /var/www/html/bin folder were like this.
- I am running a Nginx reverse-proxy set up. Using Centos 7. php -v 5.6.27