Built with Grav - Custom Panel for Photoshop

My latest Grav page for my new plugin for Photoshop. Most difficult part was styling it without having any design :smiley:

@Karmalakas, I wonder whether I should flag this as spamā€¦ :thinking: It looks like a typical spam post containing a link to a page promoting stuff.

Isnā€™t it what Showcase category is for? I can delete the post myself, but thought thatā€™s where we may show-off Grav pages :confused:

I thought so too. Iā€™ve seen the category used for sites built with Grav too. I could see this being abused but havenā€™t seen so much of that yet.

Next time I will surround a joke with <joke>ā€¦</joke> tags :slight_smile:

A long standing member showing off a Grav based website in the ā€œShowcaseā€ categoryā€¦


Now I see what you mean :sweat_smile:

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