I’ve just discovered Grav by a Twitt yesterday, rapidly read the documentation and to my opinion, it seems promising.
I’m come from the WordPress community so I develop with PHP (POO or not), JS, HTML, CSS in a Linux environment. I would be happy to play with Grav, try to build themes and plugins …
I don’t know Twig but it seems easy to learn however Symfony is more complicated.
Do I need to know Symfony to develop a Grav website ?
Which languages/frameworks do I need to learn to build a website with Grav ?
You could build a website just with a litle knowledge of Markdown language, the best way to start is downloading a pre-built example site called skelleton. The configuration can be changed using a very intuitive yaml files. If you want to modify a template, the you will need twig. You are right it is easy to learn.
Symfony knowledge is definitely not needed to start using Grav.
To start using Grav you just need some basic Markdown knowledge to write the content. The rest is combining the building blocks.
Writing a plugin / theme for Grav is of course a different task, but in my opinion it’s on the same skill level of writing a WordPress plugin. The tech stack changes, for the better, but it’s very easy to take a look at existing plugins/themes and start from there.
I do recommend taking look at twig documentation though: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation Once you start using it, you will fall in love immediately. That’s one of the easiest and most flexible templating languages I’ve ever seen. And it’s fun