Workaround for using 'validate.required' on form file fields

A long standing issue of the Form Plugin is that the attribute validate.required on file fields prevents the form to be submitted.
I have created a small plugin which circumvents this problem.

Instead of using validate a new attribute restrictions is added like this:

    label: 'Upload images (JPG, PNG) (at least 2)'
    type: file
    destination: user/data/files
    button_text: Upload images
    multiple: true
        - image/jpeg
        - image/png
      required: true
      minimum: 2

Likewise a maximum number of files to be uploaded can be set using maximum.

If the responses to this post show that this plugin has added value I could publish it for all to use. Please let me know.

In any case I would appreciate help in positioning and styling the error message.


Without having tried this yet, thank you so much for this. Such great news!!

When I have a chance, I will deploy it for one client in particular. Have wasted so much time trying to work around this and bumping the issue on Github, as well as being mildly rebuked by the client because submissions got through without attachments. You rock!


In any case I would appreciate help in positioning and styling the error message.

Without creating a repo on GitHub, it would be very hard for others to help youā€¦ :slight_smile:

And @hughbris wonā€™t be able to test itā€¦

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Point taken :+1:
Working on it!

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Is everybody ready for a test drive?

Instead of creating a separate plugin I have integrated the workaround in an already existing form focused plugin: the Form Prefiller Plugin.

To test the workaround download and install a modified plugin version from the special ā€˜devā€™ branch on GitHub.
The ReadMe file has been updated so use that to learn how to replace(!) the attribute validate.required by the new attribute restrictions.required.

Please report your findings and the like here and post issues in the GitHub repo.

My experience in creating and maintaining plugins has often felt quite solitary. I see this as an opportunity to spark discussion and collaboration. Letā€™s see whether or not we can further enhance this plugin, both regarding itā€™s value and usability. Along the way we might even agree upon some best practices which will improve all plugins in the future.
To that end I have a couple of points we might discuss:

  1. Do we want more validation on the client side like on mime types and maximum filesize?

  2. The PHP library ā€˜simple_html_domā€™ is not installed via composer but added inside the vendor folder and included using an include_once statement. Is it desirable to let composer handle the install so it autoloads and a separate include_once isnā€™t needed? If so, how?

  3. Every now and then users report conflicting plugins. One way to mitigate conflicts is to use namespaces in a pluginā€™s Javascript and CSS code. I intend to add these upcoming weekend unless this is regarded as overkill or maybe thereā€™s a better way.

  4. At this moment the language translation is generic in the sense that it ā€˜talksā€™ about ā€˜filesā€™. But what about the use case of for example a file field to upload a PDF document and one to upload one or more images. In such a case proper label texts should indicate the kind or type of file like ā€œdocumentā€ or ā€œPDFā€ and ā€œimage(s)ā€. Using the file field name to this purpose does not do it. So in this case another attribute would be needed?

  5. Last but not least Iā€™m actually looking for a method or guideline to keep the languages.yaml file save and outside this pluginā€™s folder so it does not get overwritten when updating the plugin. It is pretty much the same as with templates but as far as I know there is no equivalent for onTwigTemplatePaths to set alternative locations to look for language files. Or is there?

Happy test driving! Iā€™m curious to see how far weā€™ll go from here!

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I added a namespace (ā€œgravFormPrefillerPluginā€) to the Javascript code according to the ā€œrevealing module patternā€ as described in JavaScript best practices - W3C Wiki
That article dates from 2015 and maybe there are better methods today but itā€™s a way which I understand and could implement.

Something I forgot to mention is that the error messaging logic now is inside the Javascript. Regarding customizability it would be much better to move that logic into Twig. Suggestions or a PR to that end is much appreciated.

Finally as I pointed out in the original post is the matter of positioning and styling error messages next to the file field. Again help is welcomed.


I would prefer two separate plugins. One for filling form fields and another one for fixing the ā€˜requiredā€™ issue of the File field. I think the two functionalities are too different to combine in one plugin.

Iā€™ve played around a bit and created two versions with a possible fix of the File issue.

  1. One with the default error handling of the Form plugin.
  2. One using Twig for error handling.

Ad 1. Default error handling

  • Create form user/pages/03.uploads/, containing

    title: Uploads
      name: fixformfield
          type: text
          type: file
          label: 'Upload <span class="required"> *</span'
          multiple: true
            required: true
            minimum: 2
            maximum: 2
          value: submit
        message: Thank you!
  • Create plugin fixfilefield using $ bin/plugin devtools new-plugin.

  • Replace the content of fixfilefield.php with:

    Content of fixfilefield.php
    namespace Grav\Plugin;
    use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
    use Grav\Common\Data\ValidationException;
    use Grav\Common\Form\FormFlash;
    use Grav\Common\Plugin;
    use Grav\Plugin\Form\Form;
    use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
     * Class FixfilefieldPlugin
     * @package Grav\Plugin
    class FixfilefieldPlugin extends Plugin
       * @return array
       * The getSubscribedEvents() gives the core a list of events
       *     that the plugin wants to listen to. The key of each
       *     array section is the event that the plugin listens to
       *     and the value (in the form of an array) contains the
       *     callable (or function) as well as the priority. The
       *     higher the number the higher the priority.
      public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
          'onPluginsInitialized' => [
            // Uncomment following line when plugin requires Grav < 1.7
            // ['autoload', 100000],
            ['onPluginsInitialized', 0]
       * Composer autoload
       * @return ClassLoader
      public function autoload(): ClassLoader
        return require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
       * Initialize the plugin
      public function onPluginsInitialized(): void
        // Don't proceed if we are in the admin plugin
        if ($this->isAdmin()) {
        // Enable the main events we are interested in
          // Put your main events here
          'onFormValidationProcessed' => ['onFormValidationProcessed', 0],
      public function onFormValidationProcessed(Event $event)
        /** @var Form */
        $form = $event['form'];
        $fields = $form->getFields();
        $messages = [];
        /** @var FormFlash */
        $flash = null;
        foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
          if ($field['type'] === 'file' && isset($field['restrictions'])) {
            $flash = $form->getFlash();
            $uploads = $flash->getFilesByField($key);
            if ($field['restrictions']['required'] === true && count($uploads) === 0) {
              $messages[$key][] = "Field '{$field['name']}' is required";
            if (isset($field['restrictions']['minimum']) && count($uploads) < $field['restrictions']['minimum']) {
              $messages[$key][] = "You must upload a minimum of {$field['restrictions']['minimum']} files.";
            if (isset($field['restrictions']['maximum']) && count($uploads) > $field['restrictions']['maximum']) {
              $messages[$key][] = "You are allowed to upload {$field['restrictions']['minimum']} files.";
        if ($flash !== null) {
        if (count($messages) > 0) {
          $exception = new ValidationException('Some fields have incorrect or missing input.');
          throw $exception;
  • Screenshot of incorrect input:

Ad 2. Using Twig for error handling.

  • Same form definition as above

  • Create plugin fixfilefield using $ bin/plugin devtools new-plugin.

  • Replace the content of fixfilefield.php with:

    Content of fixfilefield.php
    namespace Grav\Plugin;
    use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
    use Grav\Common\Data\ValidationException;
    use Grav\Common\Form\FormFlash;
    use Grav\Common\Plugin;
    use Grav\Plugin\Form\Form;
    use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
     * Class FixfilefieldPlugin
     * @package Grav\Plugin
    class FixfilefieldPlugin extends Plugin
       * @return array
       * The getSubscribedEvents() gives the core a list of events
       *     that the plugin wants to listen to. The key of each
       *     array section is the event that the plugin listens to
       *     and the value (in the form of an array) contains the
       *     callable (or function) as well as the priority. The
       *     higher the number the higher the priority.
      public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
          'onPluginsInitialized' => [
            // Uncomment following line when plugin requires Grav < 1.7
            // ['autoload', 100000],
            ['onPluginsInitialized', 0]
       * Composer autoload
       * @return ClassLoader
      public function autoload(): ClassLoader
        return require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
       * Initialize the plugin
      public function onPluginsInitialized(): void
        // Don't proceed if we are in the admin plugin
        if ($this->isAdmin()) {
        // Enable the main events we are interested in
          // Put your main events here
          'onTwigTemplatePaths' => ['onTwigTemplatePaths', 10],
          'onTwigLoader' => ['onTwigLoader', 0],
          'onFormInitialized' => ['onFormInitialized', 0],
          'onFormValidationProcessed' => ['onFormValidationProcessed', 0],
      public function onTwigTemplatePaths()
        $this->grav['twig']->twig_paths[] = __DIR__ . '/templates';
      public function onTwigLoader()
        $form_path = $this->grav['locator']->findResource('plugins://form') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates';
        $this->grav['twig']->addPath($form_path, 'formplugin');
      public function onFormInitialized(Event $event)
        $form = $event['form'];
        $fields = $form->getFields();
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
          if ($field['type'] === 'file' && isset($field['restrictions'])) {
            $this->grav['twig']->twig_vars['fixfilefield'] = [
              'restrictions' => $field['restrictions']
      public function onFormValidationProcessed(Event $event)
        /** @var Form */
        $form = $event['form'];
        $fields = $form->getFields();
        $messages = [];
        /** @var FormFlash */
        $flash = null;
        foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
          if ($field['type'] === 'file' && isset($field['restrictions'])) {
            $flash = $form->getFlash();
            $uploads = $flash->getFilesByField($key);
            if ($field['restrictions']['required'] === true && count($uploads) === 0) {
              $messages[$key][] = "Field is required";
            if (isset($field['restrictions']['minimum']) && count($uploads) < $field['restrictions']['minimum']) {
              $messages[$key][] = "You must upload a minimum of {$field['restrictions']['minimum']} files.";
            if (isset($field['restrictions']['maximum']) && count($uploads) > $field['restrictions']['maximum']) {
              $messages[$key][] = "You may upload a maximum of {$field['restrictions']['minimum']} files.";
        if ($flash !== null) {
        $mergedVars = array_merge($this->grav['twig']->twig_vars['fixfilefield'], [
          'errors' => $messages,
        $this->grav['twig']->twig_vars['fixfilefield'] = $mergedVars;
        if (count($messages) > 0) {
          throw new ValidationException('Some fields have an incorrect or missing value.');
  • Create the following folder structure inside the plugin:

    ā””ā”€ā”€ forms
      ā”œā”€ā”€ field.html.twig
      ā””ā”€ā”€ form.html.twig

    Add the following to field.html.twig:

    Content of field.html.twig
    {% extends "@formplugin/forms/field.html.twig" %}
    {% block label %}
      {% if field.type == 'file' %}
        {% set form_field_required = fixfilefield.restrictions.required %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ parent() }}
    {% endblock %}

    This will add the red asterix (*) to the label.

  • Add the following to form.html.twig:

    Content of form.html.twig
    {% extends "@formplugin/forms/form.html.twig" %}
    {% block inner_markup_field_close %}
      {% for error in fixfilefield.errors[field_name] %}
        {# Yes styling should be in a css file #}
        <div style="color:red;font-size:.6rem;font-weight:normal">{{ error }}</div>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}

    This will add the error messages below the file field

  • Screenshot of incorrect input:


  • Yes itā€™s not perfectā€¦ Itā€™s a proof of concept.
  • There is room for improvements.
  • Havenā€™t figured out yet how to keep the selected files inside the File field after an error has happened.

Iā€™m working on a separate Fix File Field Plugin as @pamtbaau suggested and among other things basing that on the field.html.twig template shown in the previous post. So this question is for the Twig wizards amongst you.

Grav allows you to add custom data- attributes to the HTML of a form field; read about it at the bottom of the section Common Field Attributes in the docs.

I want to use that method to pass a minimum number of files which should be uploaded and use itā€™s value to do a client side validation.
BTW setting a maximum number of files is supported by the form out of the box by setting the limit attribute.

As a test I set this field definition:

    label: ' Images upload'  
    type: file
        formkey: formvalue
    multiple: true
        - image/jpeg
        - image/png

In the browser developer tools I can see the attribute data-formkey has been added to the hidden input field (BTW this field is hidden through CSS):
<input type="file" multiple="multiple" accept="image/jpeg,image/png" class="form-input" data-formkey="formvalue">

Then again as a test I want to add another key value pair to the datasets attribute. For that I modified the field.html.twig template like so:

{% extends "@formplugin/forms/field.html.twig" %}

{% block label %}

  {% if field.type == 'file' %}
    {{ dump(field) }}
    {% set form_field_required = field.restrictions.required %}

    {% set myNewKeyValue = {
        'newKey': 'newValue'
    } %}

    {% set field = field|merge({ 'datasets': (field.datasets|default([]))|merge(myNewKeyValue) }) %}
    {{ dump(field) }}

  {% endif %}

  {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

Looking at the Debug Bar the second dump(field) shows:

"datasets" => array:2 [
  "formkey" => "formvalue"
  "newKey" => "newValue"

So inside the field.html.twig template the extra key value pair has successfully been added to the datasets attribute or array.

The problematic part is that this modified version of datasets does not get transferred to the HTML form. The hidden input field still has the data-formkey attribute only:
<input type="file" multiple="multiple" accept="image/jpeg,image/png" class="form-input" data-formkey="formvalue">. The newKey attribute is lost somewhere.

So the question is where and how does this go wrong and what is the correct way of adding data- attributes via Twig?


Three alternatives:

1. Using Twig

When searching for datasets in the template folder of the Form plugin, I find a reference inside user/plugins/form/templates/forms/default/field.html.twig which is located inside block {% block input_attributes %}.

When adding the following inside /user/plugins/fixfilefield/templates/forms/field.html.twig the attributes will be set correctly:

{% block input_attributes %}
  {% if field.type == 'file' %}
    {# Simple way of setting attributes #}

    {# Using the field.datasets property #}
    {% set myNewKeyValue = {
        'twigDataKey': 'twigDataValue'
      } %}
    {% set field = field|merge({ 'datasets': (field.datasets|default([]))|merge(myNewKeyValue) }) %}
  {% endif %}

  {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

When using the following field definition inside page

    type: file
      formDefDataKey: formDefDataValue

The resulting HTML will be:

<input type="file" accept="image/*" class="form-input " 
  xxx="yyy"                                 <-- from Twig
  data-formdefdatakey="formDefDataValue"    <-- from form definition
  data-twigdatakey="twigDataValue"          <-- from Twig

2. Using PHP to add field attributes:

Alternatively, without using any Twig you could simply use PHP:

public function onFormInitialized(Event $event)
  $form = $event['form'];
  $fields = $form->getFields();

  foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
    if ($field['type'] === 'file') {
      $fields[$key]['datasets']['phpKey'] = 'phpValue';


Without any template file, this will generate (using the same form definition as above):

<input type="file" accept="image/*" class="form-input " 
  data-formdefdatakey="formDefDataValue"  <-- from form definition
  data-phpkey="phpValue"                  <-- From PHP

3. Using PHP to injecting object into HTML:
Since all you want is to pass meta data about the field into HTML to allow js to validate the form, you could also inject a PHP object into HTML using Asset Manager using inlineJs(). Js can access the object and use it to validate the form.

I donā€™t really see the necessity to inject the meta data into the HTML <input> field itself. It only adds complexity: More complexity to inject and more the retrieve from DOM.

@pamtbaau again thanks for your answers. I guess the secret in why the Twig way didnā€™t work for me and did for you is {% block input_attributes %} and I especially like the ā€œSimple way of setting attributesā€. I wonder how you found out about this and learn about how to do thing in general.

Itā€™s typical of Grav imho to see there are many ways leading to Rome so to say. Thanks for showing these three.

I am aware of the added complexity and the possible relative high cost in terms of performance when adding data as element attributes like this. For me the data attribute remains the most appropriate place to store properties of the element in question. The ā€˜PHP wayā€™ is a very good alternative too. I think Iā€™ll take that route.

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The problem is that variables in Twig are only accessible in their scope. Tags like {% block %} , {% for %} , {% nav %} create a ā€˜scopeā€™, which means that variables defined inside them, canā€™t be accessed from outside. Therefor you need to use the correct ā€˜blockā€™ to define the variables.

  1. I just remembered an earlier topic on extending template and its solution added to the docs (thanks @Karmalakas): Extend base template of inherited theme.
  2. By having a good look at the generated HTML code of the file field.
  3. By searching the code using unique terms found in the file field.
  4. By combining 1. and 3. with some trial and error.
  1. By being curious about what the answer to an interesting post on the forum might beā€¦
  2. By cruising the docs, the API and code quite a bit while experimenting to solve 1.

Search the web about simple vs complex solutions. Most answers will be like:

Choose the simple one. It meets spec, itā€™s easier to understand, itā€™s easier to maintain, and itā€™s probably a whole lot less buggy.

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@bleutzinn Sorry I havenā€™t got around to trying this out yet. From my comment, you may have thought I would do so quite soon. Iā€™m keen to, but itā€™s further down my list of priorities. (I guess if that client hassles me again about submissions without attachments, I will jump into it.)

I did originally take a look at your solution and was put off trying it when I saw it was bundled into another plugin, so @pamtbaau was right to point that out and you did the right thing changing it :slight_smile:

@hughbris No need to apologize. Sometimes ā€œlife gets in the wayā€ so to say. In the mean time I have been ā€œreworking the workaroundā€ and feel it is time for an update on that.

It will be named the ā€œFixFileField Pluginā€, thanks to @pamtbaau for the name and urging me to make a separate plugin. It will be not because Iā€™m totally convinced but because I want to create things that are useful AND get used and not put aside for some reason.

When reworking I realized that though I had client side validation in place for the newly introduced attributes restrictions.required, the restrictions.minNumberOfFiles and the restrictions.maxNumberOfFiles the server side validation was missing. That is because the workaround only addresses problems in the Form Plugin frontend code (Javascript). Since these new attributes donā€™t exist as far as the Form Plugin is concerned it canā€™t validate on them.

Then I thought of allowing the use of the standard validation.required and the limit file field attributes. Since the limit attribute sets an upper limit to the number of files allowed to be uploaded I felt I needed another one for setting a lower limit, thus appropriately called lower_limit.

Obviously there will be no server side check whether or not the number of uploaded files is equal to or exceeds the setting of lower_limit as that setting is unknown to the Form Plugin but I donā€™t think that will pose a problem.

So this change is closer to the default behaviour and closer to existing user experience and contributes to a more unobtrusive solution. However in that regard I wasnā€™t happy with some user experience quirks. Mainly when uploading more files than limit allows.
For instance when limit is set to 1 the file picker allows selecting a single file only. Which is good. But once that file has appeared in the file field as a thumbnail the user can again click that field and select yet another file or drop another file into the field. This is bad behaviour. The Form plugin signals the illegal extra uploaded files by putting a cross symbol on the thumbnail but still. The user shouldnā€™t have gotten the opportunity to do something which isnā€™t allowed. So I try to fix or work around that too.

And so a seamingly and relatively simple workaround got into a project of itā€™s own. It is a typical example of the 20-80 rule. It took me 20% of the time to get to 80% of the functionality but the remaining 20% is taking 80% more time or even more.
Besides that I find it hard to draw the line somewhere. The only reason I sometimes get things done is persistence and thus not throwing the towel.

However, I canā€™t estimate when or even if I will succeed in fixing the UX problems I described. And at the same time I got the impression the plugin could be useful even with the UX problems. Also those exist as long as the Form Plugin is around and as far as I know no one complained about this misbehaviour too.

That being said I think I should wrap things up, create a test version and put a couple of issues aside as ā€œto doā€. When, I canā€™t really tell. Hopefully by the end of this week.

Iā€™ll keep you all posted.

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For everyone willing to take a peek and beyond, a demo is currently online at

With ā€˜beyondā€™ I mean diving into the code and especially the Javascript where the validation takes place.

The plugin may be downloaded from there or from GitHub and the full form page source is shown on that site as well.

This ā€˜alphaā€™ version still has some issues which I think I canā€™t fix myself. So any help is more than welcome and badly needed to make it into a proper workaround. A description of these issues is included on a separate page.

Thank you in advance, and Iā€™m looking forward to your findings and, ideally, assistance.

I love Grav and Iā€™ve used it for many years, but Iā€™ve never struggled so much as the last few days while building forms and email sending. Itā€™s a shame that such a basic and essential feature as a form input field is like this in 2023.

@bleutzinn thank you for working on this fix, Iā€™ve tried it and works great, but the issue of disabling the built-in browser validation makes it unusable for me, because it now happens for all the other fields.

I think that until someone find a fix, it would be more useful to have at least the client side validation working to make a better user experience for most users.
I donā€™t have the knowledge of diving in myself to fix this, so for the time Iā€™ll be using the file field without validation.

Iā€™m posting here to push the post hoping someone else can look into it and maybe have a fix.

Thank you

1 Like

I just got to trying the fixfilefield plugin on some cleaned up forms on my problem installation. I disabled two plugins and form actions which were also buggy and distracting me from isolating this issue in the form.

Sad to say the plugin makes no difference to the form pluginā€™s buggy behaviour when required form fields are not populated.

There is nothing useful in the browser console. I can see the data-required data attributes in the HTML. Iā€™m not sure where to start debugging. Do you have any clues?

Did you update the plugin from its initial commit? You have been mentioning changes but I donā€™t see them in the repository. Perhaps I have missed something.

I really should know by now not to claim Iā€™m out of ideas before going to sleep!

Two more datapoints:

  • the plugin assets are being loaded :heavy_check_mark:
  • create a test form on a fresh Grav instance - it works! :ok_hand:

From the second test passing, Iā€™m going to guess that itā€™s something in my problem site environment and not your plugin. I recall a lot of tweaking to try to nullify default dropzone/file field behaviour. Iā€™ll need to search my settings and form assets carefully.

I can also try integrating @pamtbaauā€™s suggestions.

Yep, two key DOM selectors in your JS were not matching:



fileInputs = form.querySelectorAll('input.form-input[type="file"]')

I changed those to input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"] and input[type="file"] respectively and they match and work as intended.

I now need to find out why those standard classnames are missing in my theme and then if itā€™s a good idea to loosen these match expressions in the plugin.

Additional note: I did wonder why you were capturing all click events in the document and then filtering them, but I now see why. I think it might be better to use the formā€™s submit and reset event handlers outside of a condition. Also maybe another selector/event for the clicks elsewhere in the form but Iā€™m not entirely sure what that block is supposed to be doing yet. Anyway, thatā€™s getting ahead of what I am trying to fix currently.

Edit to update since Iā€™m not allowed to add another comment:

These classnames come from the Quark theme so I think I will submit a PR with looser DOM matching expressions.

I tried again the workaround with the fixfilefield plugin (because I do indeed need some validation on the input file field) and followed the guide here: it woks but since Iā€™m loosing the browser validation of course, I need to setup my own validation for all the other fields.

At the moment Iā€™m getting the ā€œThis field is mandatory!ā€ message below the input field and the class has-error on the form element, but nothing else. All the input are not getting any classes. Even the input parent div is not getting the has-errors class like the example.

@bleutzinn how did you set up the validation on the example ?

Iā€™m using custom bootstrap fields with a template so I might be missing some parts the I need to import from the form plugin fields.

Do you have any suggestion on how to go on to make a good user experience working form?

Sidenote: This has been very frustrating, this issue has been part of Grav since 2017 and the team never addressed it. Apparently it also comes up in frontend forms if you have validation on a file field.
I also fell like Grav is not beeing supported anymore, and the project feel like itā€™s getting abandoned slowly, which is a shame because to me it was a great platform to build lightweight websites.