Weird page name bug

Hello !

Since few days, all pages with a certain template are automatically named “1” in my admin panel.

I don’t know what I’ve done, and I don’t see real differences in my yaml template between the buggy one and others.

Is anyone know where this comes from ?

Probably from the pages’ frontmatter (

title: 1

Hey thanks for the answer. You mean the .md of the page ? There’s a title entry, and its not “1” : /


Weird then. Does this page template come from some plugin? Did you update plugins recently?

Nope : / It’s a grav fresh install. Only plugin I added was TinyPng, but after turning it off it doesn’t change anything. Plus, the plugin is not supposed to interact with templates.

If it’s a fresh install, I assume it’s one of the default Grav/Quark templates, correct?

No I created a new template with devtools… I feel like I’m missing a really obvious thing… :expressionless:


I feel like I’m missing a really obvious thing…

So do we, because you’re not sharing much…

To prevent any confusion: One cannot create a “template” with DevTools. Only themes/plugins/blueprints can be created.

When creating a theme, one can choose between ‘pure-blank’, ‘tailwind’, ‘inheritance’ and ‘copy’. A newly created theme may contain some simple “Twig templates” in folder ‘/templates’.

Would you mind sharing which exact steps you have taken starting from a scratch Grav 1.7.18 install allowing use to reproduce the issue?

Sorry ! I’m a bit new to Grav, so i’m not sure what to share. :sweat: At first I though that maybe I was a known issue, but it seems not.

If I remember well, I use devtool and chose the pure-blank theme. I named it the way I wanted, then, I erased all default blueprints and make mine.

Here is the full code of the buggy blueprint :

title: Paragraphe

      type: tabs
      active: 1

          type: tab


              type: text
              label: Titre Paragraphe

              type: editor
              label: Paragraphe

              type: toggle
              toggleable: true
              label: "Centrer texte"
              highlight: 1
              default: 0
                1: Yes
                0: No
                type: bool

              type: toggle
              toggleable: true
              label: "Insérer dans le menu"
              highlight: 1
              default: 0
                1: Yes
                0: No
                type: bool

              type: text
              label: Titre Menu

And an image of the structure of the theme “Partisan” I made :

There’s no .html.twig template associate with blueprint because it’s a one-pager and all is happening in the default.html.twig

Here’s is the complete .md of a page that display the “1” title:

title: 'Pains et Poncifs'
titreParagraphe: Regard
paragraphe: "Comparer [blablabla cuted text blablabla] subjective."
menu: true
titremenu: Regard

What can I share that would also help ?

Thanks everyone for taking time for this issue :no_mouth:

Thing is, those “1” titles did not appeared right in the begining. I think I must have done something after, but it’s hard to trace back exactly all what I did. I’m going to investigate more.

It was. Or I guess. I changed



And the “1” was gone.

But out of curiousity, why did this happened exactly ?

@edi0th, Just an educated guess…

The ‘Pages’ page In Admin lists all pages by their ‘Menu’ name as set in the header of the page like:

menu: Typography

Blueprint field defines the menu variable in the frontmatter of the page.

Since your blueprint uses the Grav reserved for a boolean (using 1 and 0 as values), Grav will happily take that value as the name for the menu. And Admin will happily use that value in its list of pages.

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