I have trouble installing grav in a subdirectory of my server.
I have a static website running on the root level and several test projects running inside a /dev
subfolder (static sites as other flat file cms) and one other site running in /my-other-project
which also has its own URL.
However, if I go to www.mysite.com/dev/projectname/01
I get the following message in the browser:
The script could not be executed correctly.
Please refer to your error log for details about this error. You find it in your KIS under the item “Administration > YOUR PRODUCT > YOUR PACKAGE > Logfiles”. Further information can also be found in our FAQ.
The logfile looks like this (added {…} for privacy):
{…} [php7:error] {…} {…} [host www.my-other-domain.com] script '/is/htdocs/…/www/my-other-domain.com/wp-login.php' not found or unable to stat
{…} [php7:error] {…} {…} [host www.my-other-domain.com] script '/is/htdocs/…/www/my-other-domain.com/wp-login.php' not found or unable to stat
{…} [core:alert] {…} {…} [host www.my-other-domain.com] /is/htdocs/…/www/dev/cp/01/.htaccess: Options not allowed here
The .htaccess seems to be read, because if I remove it I get the “Internal Server Error” message shown in the doc: htaccess | Grav Documentation.
What am I getting wrong here?
Can I have a .htaccess file in the grav root or should I only have one in my main root folder?
If yes, how do I allow options?
Thanks in advance!