Theme Inheritance issue

Hi everybody,
I’ve some trouble with theme Inheritance.
I did exactly as explained in:
the inerited theme was: deliver

My trouble is on production site, in local it works great with wamp and with php server.
When I change to mytheme, I get the error:

E_WARNING - include_once(/var/www/vhosts/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory

To patch it I copied deliver theme and I substituted the original files with the modified ones, and now it works, but would be nice to solve the issue.

Many thanks.

P.S. Grav is really, really great! Easy, modern, powerful, i wrote a plugin in a moment (derived from page-inject), to do the same with Joomla! you have to study some MB of sources. Many thanks again.

Hi Claudio,

that’s something that is fixed in the develop branch of Grav .

great! I will try asap.

Done, it works, thanks again.