I have a site that is working quite nicely under grav + gantry. It is however quite cumbersome and limiting, so I am trying to convert it to twig using grav with quark v 1.4.5.
The site can be seen at www.nhbpeterborough.com
My troubles begin with the header part. I would like to have an image displayed above the menu.
I have tried altering base.html.twig thus
{% block header %}
<nav class="dropmenu animated">
{% block header_navigation %}
{% include 'partials/navigation.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
Different pages have an image of different heights - the image name is specified in front matter.
I do not know how to find grid-size or where to find theme variables.
I do not know how to find the value of grid_size.
I suspect the flex things in classes navbar and navbar section.
Is there a simple solution?