so, yesterday I decided to try an Update to grav 1.7 on a local docker clone of my website.
update was done via cli - gpm and directly gave me this at the moment the cache would have been cleared:
In AbstractFile.php line 417:
Provided data is not a string
cache [--invalidate] [--purge] [--all] [--assets-only] [--images-only] [--cache-only]
I could then still log into the admin and saw the update had happened, but the site itself crashes (crikey)
and the log gives this:
Grav System Log Output
Display the 20 most recent entries...
Date Level Message
January 21st at 2:36pm CRITICAL Provided data is not a string
I then checked with grav yamllinter to be sure the are no syntax errors anywhere and received this:
Yaml Linter
User Configuration
[OK] No YAML Linting issues with configuration
Pages Frontmatter
[OK] No YAML Linting issues with pages
Page Blueprints
[OK] No YAML Linting issues with blueprints
I also switched theme (3 installed) to no change.
same after a new update from today to grav v 1.7.1
then I decided to deactivate all plugins one by one and voila:
after deactivating my own plugin ipcount, everything else worked again
so, I’ll have to fix this…
this little story is here to just show what can go wrong and eventually how to troubleshoot - have fun