So I read through many of the postings regarding this matter - I wanted to add a sidebar to the basic theme, Im using just the basic Grav download with quark added and necessary plugins.
The route suggested is that you create a page thats hidden called sidebar from which the content is extracted, and then displayed.
So the page responsible for doing this is partial sidebar.html.twig - all good this makes sense. Reading that - you get the line
{{ page.find(’/modules/sidebar’).content|raw }}
And reading another posting relating to another theme this seems to have been truncated to be like this,
{{ page.find(‘sidebar’).content }}
Now, when I edit the sidebar.html.twig - and swap out this line it works as expected. but I have to say that its a bit confusing as to why its set to this? perhaps someone can explain?
{{ page.find(’/modules/sidebar’).content|raw }}
many thanks